lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013

summary of at least one of the Research Sources:

Animal Trafficking - A Cruel Billion-Dollar Business
The jungles of Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil,Nicaragua and other fragile ecosystems of Central America, Mexico, Argentina and Paraguay, have become the main sources of wild species trafficking to the European Union, the world's leading destination for reptile skins, parrots, and boa and python snakes, and the second for monkeys Africa and Asia are also major suppliers of wild plant and animal species for the global market

Wildlife smuggling or trafficking involves the illegal gathering, transportation, and distribution of animals and their derivatives. This can be done either internationally or domestically. Interpol estimates that wildlife smuggling transactions generate between 10–20 billion US dollars annually.
Products demanded by the trade include exotic pets, food, traditional medicine, clothing, and jewelry made from animals' tusks, fins, skins, shells, horns, and internal organs. Smuggled wildlife is an increasing global demand: it is estimated that the US, China, and the European Union are the places with the highest demand. It is believe that up to 40,000 monkeys are killed and eventually consumed each year in Africa alone via smuggling
This is a video of the Illegal Animal Trafic thge video is of Nicaragua, but it is allso about the world.