martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

Ilgal Traffic of Animals

We choose these topic because we are also involved. Animals are living things and they feel also they are abused in many ways, they use in for fashion, jewelry, Asian medisine and crafts and many more thing. As well we love animals and we think that this is important for all becouse it could damage all the world.                          
Research Question

1.How well do humans
share the planet with other

2.Are certain species
more important than others?

3.Should humans be permitted
to ‘use’ other species to
make human life easier/

4.What are the laws in my
country relating to humans
and other species?

5.Do  people in my country show
respect to animals and other


We think that people do this for money mostly becouse they didnt had any education or they just dont care. What might be causing is the extinction of many animal and the  damage of the enviroment.  South America could have the most ilegal traffic becouse of it rare fauna and flora. Some species have been extinted or in the process of extintion like the white tiger, red panda and many more animals. We can stop them by more security and more animal and fauna reserves where they cant be kidnap or hunted.
1. Illegal trade in Envirommentally Sensitive Goods
By OECD  Trade Policy Studies. 
20 Sep 2012